Digital Art Direction, Digital Art & Motion Design

This is an archive of work that exhibits a small cross-section of design work spanning many clients and agencies, global and local, and over many years. Some projects solve fairly straightforward visual design needs. Other projects experiment with code, or delve deep into the experiential needs of the target markets, or accommodate business requirements…

Ecoacoustic Sound Sculpture Feature Image

Ecoacoustic Sound Sculptures

A practice of making-with technology to...

PopTime, Role Playing iPad Game

The iPad game, PopTime, had a sophistica...

PunchUp Mobile Game

A Fun way to vent frustrations… Thi...

Womens Fitness - Homepage UI Design
Self Healing of Advanced Composites

3D animation Self Healing of Advanced Composites

An explainer view using 3D animation dem...

Self Healing of Polymeric Adhesive - fluid escaping from capsules
UX Design and UI Design for new signup flow on GoCatch - simplifying signup
mobile game creation Little Scholars Maths

3D animation for Little Scholars Maths for Mobile games

Mobile In-game 3D animation. In 2014...

Cammy mobile app screens – Steve Santer - Digital Art Direction and Motion Design
My Minder - Mobile application branding - 3D Illustration
Steve Santer - UX & UI mobile app design - Red Handed
Steve Santer - 3D illustration medical packaging.
Steve Santer - 3D animation medical - Nerve Pain
Steve Santer - 3D illustration medical - Nerve Pain
Motion Design and 3D animation with physics - iPad app - Awarded Bronze Clio - Healthcare
Steve Santer - Equal competition page - Orchard Marketing - Competition
Steve Santer - Motion Design - Fairfax Premiere's Reading Challenge - Motion tracking & 3D modelling & particle animation
Steve Santer - WilderQuest iPad app - National Parks And Wildlife Service NSW - Deepend Sydney - multi-award winner
Ausenco christmas card
Steve Santer - Sydney Festival TVC 2012

Sydney Festival 2012 TVC

November 2011

Steve Santer - Paddle Pop Begins - Flash Dev (AS3) work 2011 - Deepend Sydney

Toshiba (NZ) – Kick Around the World, Rugby Game Design

I designed the interaction and UI of thi...

Pick up the pieces - 3d animation still image
Steve Santer - Photography - Canon 5D and 24-105mm f4 lens - Palm Beach, Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia
Steve Santer - HP and Microsoft pop-up shop New Zealand 2009 - LED lighting app

Electrolux Home Appliances – Web and Interaction Design

Electrolux Home Appliances, outdoor cook...

Ambi-Pur Air Freshener online advertising animation

Ambi-Pur online advertising animation

An amusing animation for online campaign...